By the close of today, CMI will be over. Please recall that the third and final essay is due (over email) on or before Friday, December 17. I will simply average the three grades to determine final grades for the course. Happy holidays.
By the close of today, CMI will be over. Please recall that the third and final essay is due (over email) on or before Friday, December 17. I will simply average the three grades to determine final grades for the course. Happy holidays.
1. Read: world hunger and moral obligation packet (forthcoming class handout).
"The Tragedy of the Tragedy of the Commons"
Read: Jamie Mayerfeld, "In Defense of the Absolute Prohibition of Torture"
Supplemental: "Tortured Ethics" (Silliman & Braden-Johnson):
1. Read: Giubilini, "An Argument for Compulsory Vaccination."
Reminder: Topics/outlines for paper #2 due Monday, 11/15; and final essays due Monday 11/22.
1. Read: Kathie Jenni, "Dilemmas in Social Philosophy: Abortion and Animal Rights":
2. Two contrasting positions with respect to the moral status of plants:
See also, Francione, "What about Plants?"
1. Read Warren and Gensler from the supplied handout.
Paper #1 due: October 13, in hard copy, in class.