1. Read: Chapters 2 & 3.
Questions for consideration/discussion on Monday:
Questions for consideration/discussion on Monday:
Lee & George:
1. Are human embryos human beings?
2. What distinguishes the dualistic and evaluative versions of the "no-person" arguments in favor of abortion?
3. What are the implications of the gradualistic (changes in degree) nature of emerging capacities for the treatment of embryos/fetuses?
4. Must full parental responsibilities (and human obligations to others generally) be voluntarily assumed?
5. Is the harm of death (to the fetus) a (much, according to our authors) greater harm than a continued, unwanted pregnancy?
1. Why does Little suggest that expanding our view of morality beyond rights to value is the key to understanding the moral status of the developing fetus and our attendant obligations?
2. Why does Little see it as dangerously misleading to describe a fetus as a "potential person."
3. On what basis does Little characterize abortions as "letting die" (and, therefore, not a "wrongful killing," or murder).
4. How does Little describe and employ "norms of responsible creation"?
5. How does Little defend the "decency" of abortion while maintaining "respect for burgeoning life and creation"?